We are seeking individuals who would pledge to support us on a monthly basis, or with a one-time donation to help fund our programs and support the ministry of Anastasis Ballet Company. Your gifts are essential to enabling us to bring quality productions to the stage, provide the art of dance to the underprivileged in our communities, and to support other ministry organizations with our talents.
Anastasis is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization recognized by the IRS. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Please click the 'Donate' button below to make a secure one-time contribution using PayPal.
Monthly Sponsorship
Opal Level Sponsorships
$5/month sponsorship
$10/month sponsorship
$15/month sponsorship

Sapphire Level Sponsorships
$20/month sponsorship
$30/month sponsorship
$40/month sponsorship

Emerald Level Sponsorships
$50/month sponsorship
$75/month sponsorship
$90/month sponsorship

Ruby Level Sponsorship
$100/month sponsorship
$150/month sponsorship
$175/month sponsorship

Diamond Level Sponsorship
$200/month sponsorship
$350/month sponsorship
$500/month Sponsorship
*If you do not see the sponsorship amount that you would like to contribute monthly, please email us
If you would like to mail a monthly or one time donation, please send all cash or checks made out to Anastasis to the address below:
Anastasis Ballet Company
6800 Sierra Court, Suite L
Dublin, CA 94568
Many companies will match charitable donations made by their employees. Please consider submitting your donation to your employer for matching.
Business Ads for printed Programs
Anastasis Ballet Company seeks to continue to bring the art of dance into our community. We bring our company into schools, churches, nursing and retirement homes and to special interest groups. Our dance company is based in Dublin and our dancers come from the cities of Pleasanton, San Ramon, Hayward, Livermore, Tracy, Ripon, Modesto and Turlock. As a non-profit professional ballet company we are currently seeking corporate sponsors to help facilitate our ability to serve our community. We would like to offer you an opportunity to promote your business while helping Anastasis. All donations are tax-deductible and would allow Anastasis to purchase costumes, music, scenery, props and bring our programs to the less-fortunate.
We perform 2 full-length Ballets a season, alongside our community outreach performances. A Spring performance, of company repertoire, and a Christmas performance, which we present Handel’s Messiah Ballet. This unique cultural fine arts production presents George Fredrick Handel’s 1742 masterpiece Messiah. Classical ballet and excerpts from Messiah are paired for a holiday performance that will delight sight and sound. In addition to witnessing the beautiful presentation of classical ballet by Anastasis Ballet Company’s professional dancers, audience members will be delighted by the magnificence of the music. Handel’s Messiah Ballet provides the perfect opportunity for a holiday outing for all ages and an immersion into the majesty of fine arts. It has become a holiday tradition for many individuals and families in the Bay Area & Central Valley.
We are currently searching for 2024-2025 season sponsors. We would challenge you to consider making a donation of $1000 or more which will contribute to building our programs and enable us to reach our community and the less-fortunate. Additionally, we would like to continue to minister to the elderly by dancing at retirement centers and care homes.
A second option to becoming a season sponsor, is to place an Ad in our printed programs, for performances. Those attending our performances may be looking for businesses to solicit throughout the holiday season and the coming year. Advertisements/ coupons placed in the program are either
2.5”w x 4”h ($100)
5”w x 4”h ($175)
or 5”w x 8”h ($250)
The advertisement/coupon can be printed with your design/logo and any other offer or information you choose. Your advertisement can be a coupon offering a special offer or discount or serve simply as a way to acquaint or reacquaint people with your business. All advertisements must be placed and paid for prior to the performances and are tax deductible when your check is made out to Anastasis.
We would be happy to answer any additional questions that you might have. Please call Rachel Roepke at (209) 914- 9584 or email at to place your advertisement/coupon. Donations can be made through our website, by clicking the Program Ads Button below, or sent in the mail to the address below.
Thank you for your time and consideration as we serve our community.