ANASTASIS - (Greek) = Resurrection

As a professional Christian ballet company, our desire is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ using the gift of dance that he has given to us. The beauty of classical ballet is set to contemporary Christian music allowing us to paint a visual picture of each song's message for our audiences. We seek to use dance to worship our Lord and inspire others to use their talents and gifts as an expression of their love for Christ.

OUR VISION is to present dance performances to the church to minister to the body of Christ, encouraging them in their walk with, witness for, and worship of Jesus Christ, and to present dance performances to the public with the purpose of sharing the Gospel, and bringing the lost into relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

THE MISSION of Anastasis is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ using the art of dance.

6800 Sierra Ct, Ste L, Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 967-4770

copyright © 2009, anastasis. all rights reserved. anastasis is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.